Frequently Asked Questions

Anasayfa Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)?

Rhinoplasty is an operation performed to change the external shape of the nose. During this surgery, the cartilages and bones of the nose can be shaped and the nose can be given its final form. In addition, bone, cartilage and flesh growths that prevent us from breathing in the nose or cause some diseases at the same time can be taken care of during the same operation.

Is Rhinoplasty a Painful Procedure?

Rhinoplasty, contrary to what is generally known, is not a painful procedure. I can explain this as follows; When we ask our patients whether they suffer from pain after surgery, 98 out of 100 patients do not complain of any pain discomfort.

However, what is often confused with pain is swelling and tightness sensations in the face. These should not be confused with pain. This may give a feeling of tension, but it never causes serious pain. This problem can be easily overcome with simple painkillers to be taken after surgery.

What are the Risks and Limits in Rhinoplasty?

The biggest problem in rhinoplasty is; is the thick or very thin skin tissue that covers the bone and cartilage structures that we call the skeleton of the nose. When the skin is too thin, even the millimetric irregularities that may occur in the skeletal structure can become very visible from the outside. When the skin is thick, even the perfect changes in the skeletal structure are unlikely to become visible through the skin. Again, when the skin is thick, it cannot fully adapt to the reduced skeleton, and over time, a new tissue called healing tissue, which is not normally available, is formed between the skeleton and the skin, and thickening, swelling and irregularities may occur at the tip of the nose.

Even the best rhinoplasty doctors may have problems after rhinoplasty if the adaptation of thick skin is insufficient. Successive risks in rhinoplasty surgery include infection, nosebleeds after the operation, numbness in the nose, swelling, falling in the nose, external wounds and the formation of holes in the septal cartilage section of the nose. However, the probability of these is quite small.


Can the Bone Curvature in the Nose be Removed Without Surgery?

Bone curvatures in the nose are divided into two. Bone curves inside the nose and nasal curvatures outside the nose. Nasal curvatures in the nose that prevent us from breathing cannot be corrected without surgery.

If you have difficulty breathing and this is due to nasal curvature, you should definitely have surgery. However, bone curvatures outside the nose, if very light, can be easily camouflaged with filling methods and made less visible.

However, if the bone curvature outside the nose is very severe, you should again opt for surgery.

Is Prominent Ear Aesthetics Performed in Children?

After the age of 6, children can easily be given prominent ear aesthetics. As a matter of fact, prominent ear surgery should be performed in these periods after the age of 6-7 years. The reason for this is that when children communicate with each other in schools, the years when the scoop ear is made fun of the most are the primary school years.

These children can easily continue their lives without falling into psychological distress. If we have patients between the ages of 6 and 7 who have not had this surgery and complain about the prominent headset, they do not need to worry about anything. If their health condition is favorable, they can have this surgery even at the age of 50-60.

However, it should not be considered that they are late for this surgery at the age of 20-30. Peacefully, they can enjoy their new ears.

What are the conditions that trigger sinusitis?

Conditions that trigger sinusitis are primarily affected by structural changes in our nose. If there are some bone curvatures and flesh growths inside our nose, it will trigger sinusitis. Again, some congenital anatomical conditions that narrow the mouth of the sinuses trigger sinusitis.

Apart from this, having flue very often is one of the conditions that trigger sinusitis. Also, allergic conditions provoke sinusitis in a serious way. All of this needs to be brought under control.

In addition, one of the most important conditions that trigger sinusitis is smoking. We can see sinusitis especially often in people who do not smoke, but are exposed to cigarette smoke too much.

Is it possible to treat sinusitis permanently?

Permanent treatment of sinusitis is possible. First of all, we can prevent sinusitis with drug treatments that we call medical and some allergy treatments.

However, when these are not effective, sinusitis surgery will help you get rid of sinusitis permanently.

The most important point to be emphasized here is that drug treatment will be continued after sinusitis surgeries and taking care should go on. If there is a lack of taking care, sinusitis may recur and we may not achieve effective success as a result of the surgery we perform.